Saturday, February 19, 2011

What's the diagnosis?

Ok, I am a day late. I had a great case for this week, but my camera is not working for some reason. Anyway, here is today's diagnostic puzzle. Vosbeck should nail this one!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey I finally arrived this blog. Actually I didn't use blog, I didn't know about ID account. And I'm glad to meet you because recently I waited for the book "Atlas of Forensic Histopathology" and bought it, AND I can MEET the AUTHOR... *^^*
    Anyway, I want to know Where the site is, because the pic is too small to see. But it may be a brain tissue and I think the aneurysm of cerebral artery? I'm a young forensic pathologist, so I have no experience, but my senior pathologist talked about the case of cerebral artery aneurysm.

  3. I favor a fresh dissection, possibly of the basal cerebral artery. I'm not so sure this time actually.

    Thanks for the blog, I really enjoy it!

  4. Well, I reminded that I wrote wrongly the name. I didn't think this case is just common saccular aneurysm of cerebral artery. It is a dissecting anerusym (or dissection) of cerebral artery.

  5. Nice work! I will give you credit zzeva! It's a carotid artery dissection from someone with hypertension. In this case there was an aortic dissection that began around the renal arteries and continued all the way up the carotids. The asterisk marks the wall of the artery.
